Vibration analysis is used to determine the operating and mechanical condition of equipment. A major advantage is that vibration analysis can identify developing problems before they become too serious and cause unscheduled downtime. This can be achieved by conducting regular monitoring of machine vibrations either on continuous basis or at scheduled intervals.
Regular vibration monitoring can detect deteriorating or defective bearings, mechanical looseness and worn or broken gears. Vibration analysis can also detect misalignment and unbalance before these conditions result in bearing or shaft deterioration. Trending vibration levels can identify poor maintenance practices, such as improper bearing installation and replacement, inaccurate shaft alignment or imprecise rotor balancing.
All rotating machines produce vibrations that are a function of the machine dynamics, such as the alignment and balance of the rotating parts. Measuring the amplitude of vibration at certain frequencies can provide valuable information about the accuracy of shaft alignment and balance, the condition of bearings or gears, and the effect on the machine due to resonance from the housings, piping and other structures.
Recent advances in technology allow a limited analysis of reciprocating equipment such as large diesel engines and reciprocating compressors. These machines also need other techniques to fully monitor their operation. A vibration analysis system usually consists of four basic parts:
1. Signal pickup(s), also called a transducer
2. A signal analyzer
3. Analysis software
4. A computer for data analysis and storage.

Operators and technicians often detect unusual noises or vibrations on the shop floor or plant where they work on a daily basis. In order to determine if a serious problem actually exists, they could proceed with a vibration analysis. If a problem is indeed detected, additional spectral analyses can be done to accurately define the problem and to estimate how long the machine can continue to run before a serious failure occurs.
Vibration measurements in analysis (diagnosis) mode can be cost-effective for less critical equipment, particularly if budgets or manpower are limited. Its effectiveness relies heavily on someone detecting unusual noises or vibration levels. This approach may not be reliable for large or complex machines, or in noisy parts of a plant. Furthermore, by the time a problem is noticed, a considerable amount of deterioration or damage may have occurred.
Another application for vibration analysis is as an acceptance test to verify that a machine repair was done properly. The analysis can verify whether proper maintenance was carried out on bearing or gear installation, or whether alignment or balancing was done to the required tolerances. Additional information can be obtained by monitoring machinery on a periodic basis, for example, once per month or once per quarter. Periodic analysis and trending of vibration levels can provide a more subtle indication of bearing or gear deterioration, allowing personnel to project the machine condition into the foreseeable future. The implication is that equipment repairs can be planned to commence during normal machine shutdowns, rather than after a machine failure has caused unscheduled downtime.